Our news
New articles on EAW
Vincent Glerum, our project coordinator, published "De Overleveringswet op de helling: de herimplementatie van Kaderbesluit 2002/584/JBZ" and a jurisprudence analysis about the case C-398/19 Extradition to Ukraine
read moreNew articles on EAW cases
Vincent Glerum, our project coordinator, published "Van stenen, monniken en kappen: het begrip ‘uitvoerende rechterlijke autoriteit’, het arrest Openbaar Ministerie (Valsheid in geschrifte) en de gevolgen voor de Nederlandse overleveringsprocedure" and a jurisprudence analysis in SEW
read moreNew article on dual legal representation in EAWs in Poland
Prof. Dr. Malgorzata Wasek-Wiaderek, our Polish Partner, published an article about the adequacy of the national legal framework for dual representation of the requested person in EAWs.
read moreNew article on the right to appoint a lawyer in the issuing member state in EAWs
Vincent Glerum, project coordinator of ImprovEAW, published the article "Directive 2013/48/EU and the requested person’s right to appoint a lawyer in the issuing member state in European arrest warrant proceedings” on the Review of European and Comparative Law.
Our first research output is ready
The questionnaire that will base the research is ready and was distributed among partners on 16 November 2020.