Our publications
Here you can find the research output of the project
- Questionnaire
The research output is based on answers to a comprehensive questionnaire on EAWs perceived problems and their root causes. To read the questionnaire, click on:
- Common Practical Guidelines
The CPG consist of guidelines for judicial authorities when filling in and when assessing an EAW. In essence, the CPG will complement the EAW-form and the Handbook. The common practical guidelines should be geared to presenting the required information in a clear, comprehensive and consistent manner, thus obviating as far as possible any need for supplementary information and the risk of overlooking the necessity of supplementary information. In the event that the executing judicial authority is of the opinion that it does not have sufficient information to decide on the execution of the EAW, the CPG aim at formulating requests for supplementary in such a way that it is clear to the issuing judicial what is needed and providing a feasible time frame for complying with the request. To read the CPG click:
- The research report & recommendations
Check the findings of our project and the recommendations.
- Proposals for dissemination and e-learning
The proposal for dissemination is a plan set by ImprovEAW to promote the activities and the results of the project, as well as to maximise the project’s impact. It covers dissemination of results, monitoring of outreach and evaluation of our impact.
The proposal for e-learning cover ideas for digital interaction for EAW form users. It is also covered by the proect recommendations, which suggests improvements in the interactive environments involved in EAWs.
- Sounding Board considerations
To check the Sounding Board contributions to the report, Common Practical Guidelines and Recommendations click on:
- Symposium proceedings
We briefly summarised the discussions held in our Symposium, to check them click:
Symposium presentations
- Project introduction: origins, goals, methodology, findings.
- Country perspectives on: time limits, detention conditions, proportionality, transposition, grounds for refusal.
- Recommendations: General aspects, issues related to the EAW form, issues non related to the EAW form, conclusions.