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Research project on improving Mutual Recognition of European Arrest Warrants

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  • News


    Country reports

    Our Partners shared their expertise about common issues on EAWs in their Member States.

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    New articles on EAW

    Vincent Glerum, our project coordinator, published "De Overleveringswet op de helling: de herimplementatie van Kaderbesluit 2002/584/JBZ" and a jurisprudence analysis about the case C-398/19 Extradition to Ukraine

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    New articles on EAW cases

    Vincent Glerum, our project coordinator, published "Van stenen, monniken en kappen: het begrip ‘uitvoerende rechterlijke autoriteit’, het arrest Openbaar Ministerie (Valsheid in geschrifte) en de gevolgen voor de Nederlandse overleveringsprocedure" and a jurisprudence analysis in SEW

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    New article on dual legal representation in EAWs in Poland

    Prof. Dr. Malgorzata Wasek-Wiaderek, our Polish Partner, published an article about the adequacy of the national legal framework for dual representation of the requested person in EAWs.

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  • The project


    ImprovEAW research project is a comparative legal study into European Arrest Warrants (EAW) defects, the difficulties resultant from the form, that have potential to impact mutual trust among Member States. The research is focused on practical problems and, thus, it counts with practitioners from Belgium, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, and Romania. The method is to, via questionnaire, examine the cases of the Partner countries, in order to understand root causes and propose solutions. ImprovEAW’s aim is to develop common solutions and, where applicable, propose recommendations to the EU and/or Member States.