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Research project on improving Mutual Recognition of European Arrest Warrants

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  • News

    New article on the right to appoint a lawyer in the issuing member state in EAWs

    Vincent Glerum, project coordinator of ImprovEAW, published the article "Directive 2013/48/EU and the requested person’s right to appoint a lawyer in the issuing member state in European arrest warrant proceedings” on the Review of European and Comparative Law.


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    Our first research output is ready

    The questionnaire that will base the research is ready and was distributed among partners on 16 November 2020. 


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    New article on mutual trust

    André Klip, project leader of ImprovEAW, published "Eroding Mutual Trust in an European Criminal Justice Area without Added Value" on the European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice.

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  • The project


    ImprovEAW research project is a comparative legal study into European Arrest Warrants (EAW) defects, the difficulties resultant from the form, that have potential to impact mutual trust among Member States. The research is focused on practical problems and, thus, it counts with practitioners from Belgium, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, and Romania. The method is to, via questionnaire, examine the cases of the Partner countries, in order to understand root causes and propose solutions. ImprovEAW’s aim is to develop common solutions and, where applicable, propose recommendations to the EU and/or Member States.